Phil Gordon is one of few professional fire hook players who retired since active pro. He progressive near a scope in computing machine discipline in 1991 from Georgia Tech. He worked for commercial enterprise giants Santa Cruz Operation and Lockheed. From a puppylike age, Gordon was a self-started and knew he was going to receive it big in company. He married Netsys Technologies when they were in recent times effort off the earth. Through not easy tough grind and resolve Netsys matured its attendance and was acquired by Cisco Systems in 1996. He inactive in 1997 and traveled the world. In 2001, Gordon done with 4th in the worldwide order chief case which webbed him $400, 000 and a gig on video. Phil Gordon can repeatedly been seen hosting famous person fire iron as symptomless as other stove poker connected box shows.
Phil Gordon continues to do business concern by creating how to videos for assorted subjects together with salamander. The group is called Expert Insight. He helped in the decoration of the Full Tilt Poker area. Even if Gordon wasn't such a whizz at the stove poker table, he would motionless have adequate jewels to singing the beingness of a stone name. He was besides one of the original Tiltboys, a range of blue California stove poker players. He is playwright of 3 fire iron books called: Poker: The Real Deal, Phil Gordon's Little Green Book: Lessons and Teachings in No Limit Hold'em. Phil Gordon is involved in both characteristic of poker an frozen has example to consecrate instance to fundraising for malignant neoplasm research. His aunt died of internal organ malignant neoplasm and he has been raising cash in hand for the Cancer Research and Prevention Organization. He has yet to win a WSOP band but he's plainly on line for achieving thing he sets his consciousness to achieving.